Raw Reviews
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From The Doghouse Pupils
From The Doghouse Pupils
"Da Magic Skewl Bus is my favorite way to start da day! Mark my wordz, once I get my license, im applying for da bus driver position! I woof dis place!"
"I basically run dis joint, im one of da main OG students so I know all da ins and outs! Don't you dare try to break my world record attendance! I guarantee ill be the first at skewl all day errrday babyyy!!"
"I woof being able to play, play, play, all day with me fwends. I like to explore and play tag with friends. Be careful if you iz running behind me, I likes to crop dust (wink wink)"
"Ive been coming here from da very start... literally a 1/2 decade ago! I know all der is to know about da diggity doghouse and so does my momma! Ever heard of "Queen Mud Boots"? Yup, that's me. Though I skip skewl to be with my mommy these days, I am a legendary alumn and oh yeah do you like my hairdo?"
"Put ya paws in the air like ya just don't care, say heyyyy!!! My favorite activity is starring in movie trailers, me and my sister have natural born talents! And no, I'm not signing autographs at dis time, im still learning to write me name... #sorrynotsorry"
"Ever dug to China without your parents yelling at ya? Didn't think so, here at The Doghouse, they let you be what you iz... a DIGGITY DAWGG!!!"
“Um hi yeah I am dying to be a #doghousepupil but so far I’ve only attended recess as a special guest... #mightneedtotryoutadifferenthat #ohyesthepupilgraduationcap #thatllgetmein"
“How am I suppose 2 sum up what I am to this school in a few sentences? #rude but I’ll just say these words... #PinkPalaceStar #OG #FoundingDogFather #6yearsandaintstopping #MomGotATattooOfMyPawArt #IhaveA4.0GPA"