The Doghouse School Report Card 📝
“does me face not speak 4 itself ? I thought a picture wuz worth 1K words…💭 g2g back to da mulch box b4 Doug (my Great Dane BFFFFF beats me 2 my hole)”
“I am faculty, pupil, and resident—da total package 📦 For reals! Me daddy is a teacher here & we get 2 sleep 🛌 every night on da 2nd floor 🏡! #NBD #actuallyitis
“How am I suppose 2 sum up what I am to dis school in a few sentences? 🤔 I’ll just name a few words...
#OG #FoundingDogFather #6thGradeStudent…
#MomGotATattooOfMyPawArt" -
"Da magic Skewl Bus is my favorite way to start da day 🚌 ! Mark my wordz, once I get my drivers license, I iz applying for da bus driver position! I woof dis place and my mummy does too ❤️”
"Put ya 🐾 n da air like yu don't care, say heyyyy! Oh, hi dur. I’m Mia. My favorite activity is starring in ⭐️🎬 movie trailers, me & my sister are natural born talents! And no, I'm not signing autographs at dis ⏰, still learning to write me name...”
"Ever dug to 🇨🇳 without yur parents 🗣️ at ya? Didn't think so. BUTTS HERE they let yu be what ui iz and do what yu are born 2 do… be a 🐶! #MulchBox for lyfe.”
"I woof being able to play, play, PLAY, all day @ skewl 🐕 I get 2 explore around da real yard 🐾 🪵🌱 and im notorious for starting da game of tag in recess. If you iz running behind me watch out! I may or may not crop dust yu 💨😉"
"I basically run dis joint 🏡 everyone knows I’ve been king of recess since 2019🐶🎓 I purdy much know all da ins & outs! Dare u to try to break my 🌎 record attendance!
PS: #tbh dis is like my 14th school 📸 so I demanded this 1 to be extra artsy” -
The Alpaca
“Um hi dur… yea I am dying to be a #doghousepupil 🦙🎓 but so far I’ve only attended recess as a special guest appearance for da class...”